Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pay it Forward!

Well, since I love to give and get presents, I'm joining in on "Pay it Forward" !  I did this on my Facebook account and it was lots of fun -

The first 5 people to comment on this blog will receive a hand made present from me!  (Don't forget to post email addy so I can get your snail address).  In return however, you must post on your blog about "Pay it Forward" and keep this fun going - there is no time limit (maybe 6 mos or so?) to make your items but don't forget to do it!  LOL!  :-)


Kathy said...

This is a marvelous idea! Count me in!

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

Hi Wanda...when you get a chance email me your address so I can send out your "stuff"!!

Have a great week!

jeanne@juNxtaposition said...

wanda, thanks for popping by my blog...but you didnt leave a mailing address...send me yours and i'll pop you out some giftage.....

jacklynn4 said...

Yippee! I think I'm part of the first 5!

lvroftiques said...

Hi Wanda!
Oh girl it was so good to hear from you! I can see that you've been taking a break from blogging too. I hope you're having a better time of it than I have been? And all is well with you.
Wowser those barkcloth pillow of yours are gorgy! I'll be keeping my eyes open for some of your new ones that aren't already sold *winks*...Those lucky buggers lol! (((HUGS))) Vanna